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Aquatic Overexpolitation

For my third move I explored the oceans and discovered how heavily aquatic animals are being affected by mankind. If you watched the video shown above you will know why overfishing is an important issue. If not this is why...


  • Worldwide about 90% of the stocks of large predatory fish stocks are already gone.


  • We are losing species as well as entire ecosystems, as a result the entire ecological unity of our oceans are under stress and at risk of collapse.


  • We are in risk of losing a valuable food source for all of humanity.


  • Fish farming is not a sustainable solution.


  • Trawlers throw 80-90% of the animals caught back overboard where they then have a high likelyhood of death because of fishing for one specific creature. This is known as bycatch.



    Large scale fishing buisinesses are putting local fishermen out of buisiness.

Tuna; an incredibly abundant food source is actually endangered. The demand for tuna is so high and that they are being completely overfished. Their populations are declining at an alarming rate of an estimated 74% decline since 1960.

Bycatch in the fishing industry, is a fish or other marine species that is caught unintentionally while catching certain target species and target sizes of fish, crabs etc. This can range from sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, or simply other species of fish or crustacean. 

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